Ironborn Physiotherapy

Promise to Consumers

This practice aims to always maintain quality and excellence in our service. This practice values the consumer’s autonomy, prevention of harm and beneficence. This service does not discriminate on the basis of any physical, psychological or social status.

This service aims to always to identify and cater to the consumers needs in the context to that consumer’s goals, beliefs and circumstance.

The consumer is entitled to refuse treatment and seek a second opinion at any time under our service.

Expectation of Consumer

The practitioner aims to provide the best practiced service; based on a collection of information from the consumer, a physical examination and the goals set by the consumer. A plan with advice, passive and active treatment with progression will be provided. The success of this plan is entirely dependent on the consumer’s participation and cooperation.

We understand that variables that cannot be controlled will impact on the outcomes of any treatment program.

However we expect that the patient will to the best of their abilities adhere to the plan and when pertinent provide information related to their case. And in doing so will ensure that an outcome that benefits all parties involved can be achieved.

Appointment & Cancellations

Schedules will be negotiated by the consumer and their chosen practitioner. Keeping the appointment is the responsibility of the consumer and practitioner.

If an appointment cannot be kept the other party should be informed as soon as possible.

If the consultation is not kept there will be no charge. And no cancellation fees will be applied.

If the patient is late the consultation can continue with the remaining time. However the full cost of the consultation will be applied.

Late or missed consultation may be rescheduled without incurred fees, however if this behavior continues the consumer may be subject to penalties. Such as upfront payment on any scheduled service.

Consent to Treatment

By undergoing a consultation the consumer provides consent for the practitioner to perform treatment and services that they have been trained and qualified in.

The consumer can at any time discuss what treatment they will undergo and ask for the reasoning behind this treatment and the expectation of the treatment.

You understand that you have an opportunity to discuss with your therapist, the nature and purpose of your physiotherapy care before any treatment is rendered.

The consumer acknowledges and accepts the following:

The physical nature of physiotherapy and related treatments which may require the consumer to disrobe.

The right to see the practitioner of their choice, refuse intervention or seek a further opinion and to provide feedback and make a complaint.

The adverse risks associated with treatment, including stiffness and soreness, soft tissue injury, neurological complications, cerebrovascular injuries, skin irritations, burns and other minor complications.

The probability of risk is lowered by screening procedures.

Other treatment options exist if the risk of physiotherapy is considered to be high, including medication, medical care, hospitalisation and surgery.

The risk of remaining untreated includes the formation of adhesions, scar tissue and other degenerative changes. These changes can further reduce skeletal mobility, and induce chronic pain cycles. It is quite probable that delay of treatment will complicate the condition and make future rehabilitation more difficult.

Consumers do not need a medical or other practitioner referral for use of our services. However, in the event a referral from another practitioner has been given, ensure it is provided to assist in the continuity of care and our delivery of the most appropriate treatment.

Consent to Obtain and Release Information

To ensure the management of your injury the consumer will accept it may be necessary to communicate the details of your medical condition with treating practitioners, rehabilitation consultants, case managers and employers.

By accepting these Terms and Conditions you give permission for Ironborn Physiotherapy to exchange such information regarding injuries sustained and any significant past medical history, with those people deemed necessary.

Accounts and Billing

Refer to services page for cost and ensure that all rendered services are paid in full at the time of consultation.

Transactions can occur via cash, EFTPOS, or bank transfer and offer electronic healthrebates (via HICAPS) for your convenience. However, in the event of electronic network failure, full payment is still required on the day of consultation.

Health Insurance rebates (electronic or otherwise) can only be claimed after the service has been received. In the instance of purchasing treatment packages, rebates will only be available once the treatment service has been completed.

The billing methods allow equality of service to all clients, and serve to raise the already high standard of care we can offer you.

Our intention is not to exclude anyone from being able to access our services. We have never denied anyone the benefits of physiotherapy care because of their inability to pay our published fees. We understand that there may be financial hardship that requires individual consideration, please put your request in writing to the Practice Director.

Privacy Policy Summary Statement

This practice is committed to protecting your privacy and this information is generally only disclosed to other members of your medical team where necessary.

The personal and health information you provide during your consultation and subsequent treatment will be collected for the primary purpose of providing high quality care.

Where required by law or if necessary for debt collection reasons, your personal information will be disclosed.

Forge Physiotherapy may use social media platform, SMS and/or email communication to keep you up to date with the status of your appointment.

Contact may occur for necessary reasons which may include:

• To administer accounts and process payments.

• To communicate with you regarding any issues affecting your treatment.

• Provide information on services and benefits available to Clients.

• To notify Clients of promotions and events.

• For research purposes, case conferences, in study groups and at seminars (please note in these instances, all personal information will be de-identified).

• Appointment Reminders.

• Appointment Follow Ups.

• Marketing and promotional material about new products, services or special offers.

• Periodic Newsletters.

• Practice Updates.

Should you wish not to receive such communications or appointment reminders please inform the practitioner you are in contact with.

You may gain access to information held about you by this Practice by putting your request in writing. Please attention all such correspondence to the “Practice Director”.

Your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions is considered consent to receive such communications as outlined above however you may opt out at any time.

Exclusion of Liability

By accepting the service the consumer cannot hold outside parties including other practitioners working under Forge physiotherapy, their principals, agents, employees, trainers, and volunteers for any liability for injury or death of any person and damage to property caused by negligent or intentional act or omission that may occur during or after the use of the facilities and the treatments or procedures delivered in this Practice or in any way whatsoever which does not arise from any negligent act or omission of the including other practitioners working under Forge physiotherapy. Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability in regards to the business that Ironborn is operating in.

By undergoing treatment the consumer is subject to the following agreements.

The participant acknowledges that I am a voluntary participant at Forge physiotherapy I understand that the soft tissue services may involve active and passive non invasive treatment techniques, such as massage, mobilization, cupping and corrective exercise. I hereby affirm that I am in sound mind and am a willing participant. I do not suffer from any known disability or condition which may prevent me from providing informed consent for any treatment.

The participant is aware that there are risks that I may not have considered, yet waive the right to any claims that may occur from these unconsidered risks and choose to participate in the aforementioned Services.

The participant, understands and verifies that all of the information that I have provided to the practitioner and Forge Physiotherapy is accurate, up-to-date, and without the omission of any known medical issues. The practitioner and Forge Physiotherapy will be held harmless against all liability for any damages that may occur due to omission of necessary personal information, whether knowingly or unknowingly.

These conditions are up held on the condition that there has been no negligence on the part of the practitioner.

Emergency Medical Services

I, the participant, give permission for the practitioner, staff and trainers to seek emergency medical services for me should I become injured or ill, with the understanding that I am responsible for any expense incurred. If I am accepting this Waiver on behalf of a minor, I also give full permission for any person connected with the attached business that Ironborn is operating under to administer any first aid deemed necessary, and in case of serious illness or injury, I give permission to call for medical and or surgical care for the child and to transport the child to a medical facility deemed necessary for the wellbeing of the child.


I, the participant, accept financial responsibility for any injury that I may cause either to myself or to any other participant due to my negligence.

I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless Forge Physiotherapy and their principals, agents, employees, trainers, and volunteers from liability for the injury or death of any person(s) and damage to property that may result from my negligent or intentional act or omission.

This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Victoria and the participant and Edrieone Sotero irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State.

Important Note:

By accepting these terms and conditions, all agreements shall be binding upon me, my successors, representatives, heirs, executors, assigns, or transferees. If any portion of this agreement is held invalid, I agree that the remainder of the agreement shall remain in full legal force and effect.

I have read and understand the above statements. I understand that by accepting this Waiver, it obligates me to indemnify Ironborn physiotherapy, their principals, agents, employees, trainers, and volunteers for any liability for injury or death of any person and damage to property caused by the consumers negligence or intentional act or omission that may occur during or after my use of the facilities and participation in the Services.

Terms and conditions are subject to change please review this page to be up to date with changes.

This policy is in effect as of the January 2020

Ironborn Physiotherapy